中密度板(MDF)或板栗工作台,带抽屉或门的橱柜和一组腿。蓝漆,窑干后脱脂和磷化。2毫米厚,50毫米高的钣金工作台,4个通过电阻焊接的纵向加强,2毫米厚,使其具有很大的刚性。机柜结构采用1mm厚钣金。工作顶部在中等或栗色50毫米厚。抽屉由1.2毫米厚的金属片制成,每14毫米装一次。单滑块100Kg(90%开口)。抽屉是根据所选择的组合来组装的。抽屉不包括分隔器。钣金门厚0.6毫米。 The shape of the side edges of the doors folded from the same sheet metal gives it regidity without the need to weld reinforcements. The rounded doors allow an opening of more than 180º. A set of legs for fixing the worktop and the support for the drawer cabinet. Welded structure in 2 and 3mm thick sheet metal. Anti-slip vulcanized rubber bases. Aluminium drawer label holder. Anti-backlash system that allows the opening of a single drawer. The workbench can support a distributed load of 1000Kg, it is delivered assembled. (Various options see our catalogue)