SMART®领带 - 高强度电缆系|高达175°C(347°F)的高耐温性|最高突破强度超过1000kg |适合非常安全 - 没有锋利的边缘|非常快速,易于配合 - 高速气动安装可分娩|根据直径的长度选择 - 长度为850mm |适用于2宽32mm和20mm |100%可回收|选择材料以应对最具侵略性和腐蚀性环境,包括聚酮,PPS和尼龙12 |世界智能®领带中最强的电缆领带是一种专利的重型聚合物电缆系系,能够承受超过1000kg的系统负荷。 It has the advantage of being manufactured from a range of high temperature polymers, giving it superior chemical and temperature resistance up to 175°C (certain sizes only) Lightweight and very easy to use the Smart ® Tie has become the ideal downhole cable tie solution and compatibility with the Smart® Protector provides a complete solution for many down-hole applications. The Smart ® Tie is also used widely in offshore applications such as Cable Protection and can be manufactured from long-life Nylon 12.