低露点空气除湿干燥机可以提供许多好处,如显著提高质量的模压件,减少干燥时间,运行成本低。●热风循环,比同等容量的干燥机节能20%-40%。●比蜂窝型更简单的干燥机制最大限度地减少可能的污染。●聚合物分离膜系统不含任何运动部件,可提供稳定洁净的除湿气流(零下40℃露点)。●传统蜂窝式除湿机在干燥剂再生时采用加热器。聚合物分离膜系统不具有再生过程,可消除发电成本。●占地面积比传统型号小15%。●可作为一个系列;●外露的料斗和卸料装置便于维护、清洗和维护。●设置及当前温度显示更大。 ●The unified controller panel with THD-F series hopper dryers. ●Built-in mold memory The memory can hold 100 sets of temperature and timer settings. ●Start-up timer The timer is settable up to 99 hours and 59 minutes. (15 hour backup) ●Stop timer The timer is settable up to 99 hours and 59 minutes. ●Auto-Dim The display light turns off to save the power consumption while the start-up timer is running. ●Maintenance alert The maintenance message notifies when the machine reaches the set service time. ●Infrared remote control (option) The remote controller allows cable-less