处理1/4“到1/2”I.D.软管-辊形通道框架用于重型应用。-无火花棘轮总成。-拆轴杆,防止反向绕线损坏。-标准进口:90°压力平衡旋转接头,1/2”内螺纹NPT。-标准出口:1/2”内螺纹NPT螺纹。-标准压力至3000psi (207 bar)。可提供高达10000psi (690 bar)。-温度范围为-60°F到+250°F(-51°C到+121°C)。- 4路滚轮总成。-可提供恒张力; consult factory. - Speed is regulated by restricting air flow through air governor attached to rewind mechanism, resulting in smooth, controlled rewind speed. - Design is highly scalable air speed control governor can be scaled up to regulate speed on even the most powerful spring reels we offer. - Operates in all climates because AG series uses air flow, not hydraulic fluid, to control speed, reel's rewind speed is unaffected by cold weather. - Fully adjustable end user can turn air restrictor clockwise or counterclockwise until optimal rewind speed is found.