1.搅拌性能优良采用SICOMA双轴混凝土搅拌机,搅拌性能强。所以我们的生产力很高,混凝土的比例也很好。最大骨料粒径可达80mm,对硬质、塑性及各种配比的混凝土均有良好的搅拌性能。必威体育app官方下载我们的搅拌器内衬和搅拌叶片经过特殊处理,独特的轴和密封装置大大提高了搅拌器的使用寿命。2.控制系统主要电气元件均采用进口,大大降低设备故障率。3.独特的无粘轴技术通过搅拌臂、搅拌桨、给料位置、给料顺序等部件的独特设计和合理配置,解决了混凝土粘轴的问题,降低了劳动强度。4.Accurate calculation We adopt the control mode of microcomputer with instrument, so the calculation speed is fast and the response time is short. With the function of point feeding and automatic deduction, the measuring precision can reach and exceed the national measurement standard in the dynamic state. 5.Perfect industrial design Our products have beautiful shapes, reasonable layout, pleasant colors, easy operation and convenient maintenance. The guarantee of our excellent products are rigorous logical thinking, profound design concept, thorough ergonomics handling and exquisite detail design.