h机架液压机是idéal设备,用于précisé和快速métal制造。四柱液压机是最常见的动力压力机类型,因为它缺乏尺寸和压力限制,但h型机架液压机是更紧凑的车间的完美选择。特点1。- h型机架压力机采用CE安全系数spécifications。当滑块到达机器顶部时,两个锁定气缸移动到位。它还在前后安装了光传感器,在操作过程中,如果有东西靠近工作区,它会自动关闭。2.-采用整体刚性焊接钢框架,经过spécial热处理。采用精密的结构分析和优化设计了压力机本体。3. - Pressure and stroke settings can be set for continuous, répétitive operation. 4. - The hydraulic press is equipped with an advanced hydraulic System that limits risk of oil leakage, has an anti-vibration function, and has minimal noise output. 5. - Highly accurate slide settings involve eight sided brass guide rails that hâve a full stroke length and allow easy adjustment. 6. - Mitsubishi PLC and 7/10 inch Taiwan Weinview touch screen interface for easy adjustments and operation. 7. - Each of our H-frame hydraulic presses undergoes strict quality control tests and are constructed from carefully selected materials from France, Japan, Germany, USA and Taiwan to ensure the best performance possible.