我们的全自动剪切机HSLX剪切机就像我们的TS剪切机一样。这意味着剪切动作是剪刀剪切动作。HSLX剪切机上的液压缸直接位于滑枕上方,并将滑枕向下推动。剪板机比摆梁式剪板机有几个优点。它们可以切割几种材料类型和厚度,并且在框架中没有扭转,就像秋千梁类型。在HSLX型号(钣金剪切机)上,横梁前角和刀片间隙设置由新的SC90操作者控制(标准)。我们通过泵入更多的油或从正确的气缸中释放油来调整HSLX断头台的前角。为了设置叶片间隙,我们有两个液压缸推动叶片间隙的滑块向前或向后。滑枕由4个弹簧轴承引导。自动设置刀片间隙设置新的SC90控制,前角和刀片间隙设置自动设置,输入材料类型和厚度的薄板被切割。 The servo-driven backgauge on ball-screw in combination with the SC90 control, allows the operator to program different target positions for several cuts over one sheet and cut the sheets without any need to touch the operator control. Hydraulic controlled hold-downs The sheet hold-downs on the HSLX guillotine models are hydraulic controlled. The hold-downs use a separate hydraulic circuit with separate pump. A pressure activated switch is used for the right pressure setting.