GYSFLASH 18.12 PL-E受益于一种创新的设计,完全致力于为休闲车辆(露营车,大篷车…)和游艇上发现的公用电池充电。这款18A充电器集成了12V铅/液体电池、铅/AGM电池和磷酸锂铁(LiFePO4)电池的三种充电曲线,保证了电池的质量和尊重。•高效,18 A的占空比在100%(25°C):充电器在使用阶段保留所有的功率。能源消耗减少15%。•有了PFC(功率因数校正)技术,电网得到了更好的利用。与标准充电器相比,吸收的电流更清洁,节约22%的电量。•无风扇技术:无外部通风,无声充电器,无粉尘渗透。这可以确保电子设备不受任何外部污染的影响。坚固紧凑的铝外壳。充电器防震、耐腐蚀。 • Simple and intuitive interface. • Mounting on vertical wall. OPTIMAL AND GENTLE CHARGING OF THE BATTERY • Extends the life and performance of Lead (AGM, liquid, etc.) and Lithium (LFP) batteries. • Automatically compensates for the requirements of the electrical appliances. • 3 charging modes: - Liquid Lead: for charging 12 V lead-acid batteries from 12V to 270 Ah. - Lead/AGM: for charging 12V AGM lead-acid batteries from 36 Ah to 270 Ah. - LiFePO4: for charging Lithium-Iron Phosphate batteries from 18 Ah to 270 Ah. Intelligent lead (liquid / AGM) charge curve - Recovery of heavily discharged or sulphated battery cells (SOS recovery)