屋顶火炬猛禽猫。No.1029参考:1029通过Express发现这个优秀的新产品。看到和判断自己!轻量级小于500克,避免重复的应变损伤,屋顶火炬猛龙速度快速且易于建立70只猫的可互换燃烧器。1070年和90 kW猫。在58 psi(提供)的No.1090及其快速安装,只需点击一下即可连接火炬!猛禽,快速屋顶火炬,具有安全手柄。这是什么意思?当屋顶器释放触发时,屋顶炬已关闭。因此,没有更多的剩余火焰,这通常是为什么火灾在施工现场开始的原因! And turning the torch off means stopping the gas consumption… which implies saving money and reducing CO2 emissions! The torch’s noise levels are very low. Switched on with its piezo ignition, the flame technology from Raptor helps to keep the temperature of the burner moderate. Ultra powerful thanks to its targeted flame, this new product is specially dedicated to sills/ledges mo