BDR-40H双层烤炉探测系统设计精密,可调节温度。2.点火会消耗汽油。当点火失灵时,将启动多重保护装置。3.独特的耐热玻璃和内部防火灯,让使用者不用打开入口就能更方便的观察烤箱内部的情况,更少的能源排放。4.独立设计的定时器和蜂鸣器,方便用户控制时间完成产品。5. Best to toast because even temperature and quicker heating up. 6. It is suitable for supermarket, school, studio, and bakeries. 7. Heating methods can be replaced with nature gas or LPG. 1. Stainless steel surface guarantees long service life. 2. Mini computer control panel can provide user a lot of convenience. 3. Each deck is of proper thickness and of good quality to preserve temperature, the features of which are energy-saving, quick-heating, and heated balancedly. 4. Far infrared quartz heating tube can increase the temperature quickly. 5. 2 trays per deck.