奥博小安安全巡视机器人银行|政府大厅|商务局|税务局|医院检察院|法院|图书馆|购物中心|汽车4S店功能参数身高130cm体重50kg网络连接:wifi+4G+蓝牙模块充电方式:自动充电+手动充电电池:24V15AH聚合物锂电池材质:塑料+玻璃纤维+ métal钢板整机电池寿命:9小时f操作方式:触摸/遥控/语音导航:激光导航+超声波避障机器人会撞人吗?答:你好,没有,机器人配备了我公司研发的激光导航避障系统,不会发生碰撞事故。2.它是否支持二次开发?答:你好,我公司是一家自主研发的生产厂家,支持二次开发。机器人有现货吗?答:你好,机器人正在不断地被销售和生产。能否立即下单发货dépends关于目前的机器人是否供不应求。4.价格是多少? And how to place an order? Answer: Hello, the price needs to be quoted by our company staff. Different functions require different prices. The way to place an order is also based on the signed contract 5.How strong is your company? Answer: Hello, our company has been founded in 2008 and officially established in 2014. It has many years of expérience and accumulated technology, many styles and patents.