应用1.手机3C配件:手机开关键,卷键,卡槽和卡槽架,中间框架,手机外壳和小型复杂3D铝制品。必威体育app官方下载2.不锈钢相机镜头,不锈钢指纹按钮。3.其他产品,如金必威体育app官方下载属,非金属,不锈钢,铝合金。功能1.配备济南蓝色大理石结构,高精度和更稳定的非变形,加工过程中没有振动。2.高精度C3线材,P线性导轨和轴承,生产寿命长。3.新设计的自动润滑系统,用于移动部件的长持久润滑。保持机器清洁而不是漏油。4.配备高速,高精度主轴和先进的主轴冷却恒温系统。5.机电一体化结构设计,占地面积较小,塑造更美丽。6.高效,较低的成本配备双锭子。 7. Three permission modes, operator mode, manufacturer mode and developer mode, which can protect the CNC machine key parameters modified by operators mistakenly. Compatible with MasterCAM, ArtCAM, Pro-E, UG, AutoCAD and other design software, 8. Wire rod , linear guide rail and other key precision components in CNC Machine have two levels of waterproof and dust protection. 9.The full-cover designed, effectively reducing the splash cutting fluid during processing. 10. Equipped with straight line 9pc tool storage each spindle, it can change tools fluently within 6 seconds , suitable for complex processing needs, for multi-tool processing occasions, multi-level protection.