本机适用于蔬菜、肉类、鱼类(茄子、汉堡、海鲜沙拉、面包)的烧烤。全部由304不锈钢制成。只是为了在产品的切片上标记条纹,不适合烹饪。必威体育app官方下载gsi04型电动烤架打标机,适用于辣椒、西葫芦、茄子等蔬菜的打标,具有独特的规划设计特点;Méat(汉堡Wurstel),海鲜沙拉;它完全是由Aisi 304不锈钢和它允许烧烤也湿和盐产品(如果先前排水或离心)。必威体育app官方下载产品手动必威体育app官方下载装在机器的不锈钢输送机上。划线组由2个固定步长旋转辊组成。机器是建立在CE规则的力量。技术特点:*N°24电加热éléments 800W /台,配有各种检测仪器和安全控制装置。*送料输送机由0.37马力电机驱动。*不锈钢0 150mm,步长15mm。 *Adjustments of Température by Thermoregulator place on the main panel *Stainless Steel product entry & exit conveyors that can be easily disassemble for cleaning,•maintenance operations. *Group for rolls adjusting (manual adjusting) from 0 to 60 mm height *Supporting feet which can be adjusted in height *N° 01 Emergency button installed on the electric board and ne 1 Emergency button installed on the body of the machine *The whole machine is assembied on a supporting base with wheels.