•记忆100个项目与字母数字代码。•按重量分类或验证,用3种明亮的颜色查看。•单件计数器功能,按单位重量记忆100件物品。•4个自动保持水平称重大尺寸物体。•称重罐和筒仓的内存为零。•条形码扫描器端口。•以聚合的方式积累权重。•自动、正常或设定皮重。•内存为20预设皮屑。•票打印。 Protection against liquids and dust Designed for working in humid or dusty environments. With IP-65 protection. Adaptable Can be hung from the wall without the need for a support, or installed on a column. Weight verification The visor changes colour to indicate whether the weight is above (red colour), below (yellow colour) or within (green colour) of the set range.