带灭火系统的金属外滩,电动变压器从100 kVA到20个MVA,中性点线圈,电容器,补偿阻抗......当地面不适合或当操作截止日期紧密时,提供了混凝土坑的替代方案。通过添加安全SIPHON和FILTRELECECODESIGN®过滤系统来确保室内和室外合规性。设计外滩配备MX®灭火系统,允许介电流体快速流入外滩并确保天然火焰灭火器,外滩底部配有固定焊接钢管热浸镀锌钢或不锈钢板,以确保更大的耐用性铜或不锈钢接地凸耳全电介质流体含量容量(根据NF C 13 200标准)使用Ardrox 996 P2染料渗透试验方法测试的Apave Bonds测试和批准。MX.® fire extinguishing system composed of factory-assembled galvanised steel baffle plates Options Drain valve Galvanised grid fitted on the fire dampers Insulated teflon plates to be placed placed underneath the transformer’s rollers FILTRELEC ECODESIGN® filter cartridges NoVib vibration damping system Installation The BAF bunds can be quickly installed and the transformer may then be placed immediately Must be mounted on a concrete base slab capable of supporting the weight of the transformers