描述:在变压器下面的密封带中过滤被碳氢化合物污染的雨水。保证排放的雨水污染水平<每升5毫克的过滤器。新范围:更便宜,更高效,市场上最广泛的范围。包含绑定的另外三个函数:持续处理雨水2。烃类吸收:过滤器出口的水污染< 5毫克3。FILTRELEC F50是一种经过验证的技术和经济方案,可以替代传统的污水管理。该系统是在欧洲设计和组装的,用于过滤受碳氢化合物污染的雨水。它包括永久性地吸收所述碳氢化合物的亲油和疏水聚合物。当石油泄漏时,这种聚合物会发生反应并形成一个堵塞,从而防止任何液体泄漏到环境中。 Use FILTRELEC ECODESIGN® is a range of rainwater filtering products that ensure compliance with the Water Act. It allows for continuous disposal of water and, at the same time, absorbs the harmful hydrocarbons, thereby preventing ground pollution. AKHELEC offers a full range of solutions for capturing dielectric mineral oils contained in electric transformers based on the required flow rates.