自由轮离合器插入元件GMN插入元件可在许多不同的直径。FE 400z, FE 400z2和FE 8000 Z系列配备一个张力弹簧。FE 400 M系列具有曲流弹簧。GMN插入式元件适用于安装在硬化和接地连接件上。它们适用于油或润滑脂润滑。所有GMN插入元素可以用作分度离合器,backstops或超越离合器。FE 400z系列包含飞轮离合器插入元件与张力弹簧。FE 400 M系列包含飞轮离合器插入元件曲流弹簧。FE 400 Z2系列包含飞轮离合器插入元素在狭窄的设计与张力弹簧。FE 8000 Z系列包含飞轮离合器插入元素与张力弹簧。 FREEWHEEL CLUTCH INSERT ELEMENTS WITH RINGS GMN freewheel clutch insert elements with rings are optionally available with integrated meander or tension spring. The FR and FRN series are designed for installation on non-hardened and unground connecting parts. GMN freewheel clutch insert elements with rings are suitable for either oil or grease lubrication. All GMN freewheel clutch insert elements with rings can be used as indexing clutches, backstops or as overruning clutches. SERIES _FR The FR series contains freewheel clutch insert elements with rings. _FRN The FRN series contains freewheel clutch insert elements with rings and keyway connection on the inner ring.