实验室紫外线照射装置的目的是测试净化某一特定石化产品的可能性。可再生过滤的矿物油有:工业油;变压器oil2;涡轮oil3;柴油oil4;加热oil5;液压oil6;真空油;基本oil7;变速器油; gas condensate8; kerosene9; motor oil10 (however, additives are also removed from the oil in the process and must be reintroduced DESIGN The unit consists of: oil filtration11 pod; frame; vacuum12 chamber; vacuum pump13; piping; The filtration pod is a vessel, half-filled with sorbent14 which regenerates the percolating oil. Sorbent and oil are put into the pod from the top. The bottom of the pod has a lid, through which the pod is evacuated and from which saturated sorbent is extracted. The regenerated oil is pumped out from the bottom as well. The external surface of the pod is wrapped with an electric heater tape and insulated. The frame is a metal structure supporting all the unit’s components. The Vacuum chamber is a rectangular vessel filled with regenerated oil. The top part of the vessel is equipped with a ball valve to connect the chamber with the vacuum pump. The bottom of the vessel is equipped with a ball valve, through which the oil is sucked into the vacuum vessel, and a valve to drain the oil. The vessel is also equipped with a visual liquid level meter and a vacuum gauge. The Vacuum pump creates vacuum in the vacuum chamber.