1000s整齿机非常适合小面宽的齿轮,用于整形正齿轮和斜齿轮,内部和外部,以及锥齿轮和锥齿轮。只有6平方米的100S是同类机器中最紧凑的机器之一。工件直径,马克斯。100mm模块,最大。3毫米行程长度,最大。30毫米每分钟冲程3000 3000冲程每分钟集成加载系统减少循环次数,工件更换时间小于3秒。“这是我们买过的最高效的机器!”紧凑而坚固的设计,加上双轴承曲轴,保证了机器的静态和动态刚性。当你处理非常快的动作时很重要。 Your Choice of Wet or Dry The 100S is built as a dry machine but can easily be converted to suit wet machining. Automatic Stroke Positioning Optional automatic adjustment of stroke position after cutter resharpening makes production life easy. Fast Cutter Change for Highest Productivity Quick-change adapters HSK63 make cutter changes most convenient and ensure high repeatability and maximum productivity. High Speed Demands Automated Solutions With its incredible productivity in production the 100S literally demands for speedy supply of parts. We have a solution which ideally complements the 100S while maintaining a compact footprint.