横向发光导光板在汽车工业中广泛应用于日间行车灯、尾灯和刹车灯。它们的美学设计和3D形状是重要的识别因素。它们由塑料制成,有一个非常复杂的横向结构,旨在确保整个长度的均匀光发射。在制造过程中的众多测试标准包括尺寸稳定性、均匀性和横向辐射强度。因此,光波导光谱透射率的测量是一项关键的质量测试。只有在充分传输的情况下,才能实现整个光导长度的均匀发射。另外一个风险是用来制作光波导的塑料变黄。特别是当与白色led一起使用时,这种变黄会导致人眼可见的色温变化。Gigahertz-Optik公司的TFCT25是一种用于测量横向发光光波导的光传输的测试系统,包括变黄的影响。该系统满足一家知名汽车制造商的所有技术要求,因此为其供应商提供了合格的检测设备。 Besides measuring the spectral transmission and analyzing potential color shifts, the system can also be used for the photometric and colorimetric analysis of LEDs to be used in conjunction with the lateral light-emitting light guides. Its key features include its precision power supply unit for current supply to the LEDs as well as to the meter itself for the operation of the LEDs in both constant and pulsed current modes.