4..差压变送器EDP1适用于测量液体和气体中的差压。它由一个作为传感器的压差传感器单元和一个集成变压器组成。差压测量单元有两个独立的陶瓷压力传感器和一个采用厚膜技术的测量桥。每个传感器的桥接信号都经过温度补偿。集成的单片机测量两个传感器的信号,并计算出压差。输出为4..20毫安信号(双线)。陶瓷传感器可在各种压力范围。这限制了施加在每个连接上的最大压力。 The differential pressure, which should correspond to an output signal of 20 mA, can be freely selected within this range, but should not be less than 10 % of the metering range of the single cells, so that a sufficient resolution and accuracy are ensured. The microcontroller also permits customer-specific characteristic curves and output signals, e.g. measurement of positive and negative pressure differences (available on request). The medium comes into contact exclusively with top-quality materials such as AL2O3 -ceramic, stainless steel, FKM seals.