pH和ORP组合电极提供一个保护帽,其中充满3mol KCL溶液。在这种情况下,电极的存储量最大。1年。因此,只有在安装和使用之前,保护帽才应该拆卸。2.组合电极的电极柄由玻璃构成,易碎。在安装时,必须绝对确保管道不被推到任何地方。3.由于特性偏离理想线,为了进行精确测量,需要在启动后定期对电极进行校准。4.A combined electrode must not drain at the active tip, otherwise it becomes useless. To recover the active tip of the electrode it can be dipped for about 24 hours into a 3mol KCL storage solution. Subsequently, a calibration is necessary, because zero point and slope may have been drifted. 5.In dirty and containing protein media a cleaning of the electrodes is necessary occasionally. When using purpose we offer a special cleaning solution. After cleaning, the electrodes must be rinsed with water.