领域的应用程序提取气体、气味、蒸汽、气体、粉尘,迷雾和其他空气污染物在源所有应用程序需要提取空气污染的产生,避免它到达用户的呼吸系统功能广泛可用的直径:100 mm - 150 mm - 200 mm长度从2.5米到9.2米与集中式系统中可用的扩展版本没有风扇(ELP / C)和完整的从0.55到2.2千瓦(ELP)标准供应与PA与swing圆钢珠轴承(可用铁聚四氟乙烯swing圆)中可用二3 d - II交货2 d - II交货3 g自营pantograph structure balanced by springs Springs with internal safety cable Main organs of movement are external to the airflow to ensure minimal maintenance and stability over time Variety of materials for flexible hoses and rigid pipes Variety of hoods, with different shapes and materials to cover every need Standard supply with wall bracket