规格和具有用户友好的微处理器技术舒适控制面板,数字显示器进入并读出所有安全相关数据。可调节的警报限制用于过度和温度低(1 - 20 K)的附加控制和报警选项,可单独设置不同的用户应用程序。在电源故障(累加器时间允许)的情况下,请在60小时内保持所有显示和报警功能。电子报警装置和无潜能触点,可连接到内部警报系统,或连接到中央I&C系统。RS 232串行接口,用于无故障数据传输。内柜完全由不锈钢和防爆。磁性密封系统可靠地防止门密封件冻结。配备有三个内隔室(高度353毫米),每个内部设有绝缘门,以防止冷空气损失。节能,免维护冷却装置。制冷剂是不易燃的。 The all-around special insulation is up to 150 mm thick. The heat emission is only approx. 400 W. Wide range of accessories. Custom-made solutions on request. Applications Only a reliable cooling technology and a first-class insulation ensure trouble-free long-term storage of cell lines, human, animal and plant tissues, fractions of the blood, vaccines, or reference cultures of micro-organisms, such as bacteria, yeasts, viruses and fungi.