与适当的发射机一起,GMA80系列控制器不需要开关柜或附加壳体,为各种不同的易燃和有毒气体和氧气提供完整的固定气体检测系统。可以连接所有发射器类型。GMA81控制器将附加的发射器提供电源并接收处理输入信号。控制器支持2-和3线输入和向连接的发射器供电。GMA80系列版本GMA81为1个变送器,控制1个测量点。提供可调节的阈值警报。GMA 80(GMA..A)的不同版本可提供集成的可听和可视警报。这降低了额外布线和外部警告设备的成本。灵活的应用程序可以在GMA81控制器中单独调整三个警报阈值。此外,每个控制器具有四个浮动继电器,可以正常打开或关闭。 These relays can activate external alarm devices, or switch on ventilation, for example. Gas leaks are rapidly detected. Fast reading of measured values The 3-digit LED display provides a constant reading of gas concentration. Measuring range and gas type can also be displayed simply from a button push. Zero adjustment and adjustment are simply done via push buttons. With the max/min memory the gas concentration can be accurately recorded after an alarm. The highest or lowest measured value is stored and displayed on the LED display. A 4-20mA output (GMA81) means the transmitter signal can be forwarded to other control or recording equipment.