热敏电阻探头范围包括不同的设计,规格和电缆,以满足不同的需求。该系列产品包括:温度分析;必威体育app官方下载管道工程监测;冰箱和冰柜监控;用于堆肥,甚至装甲部队的过程应用。许多是防水和防尘IP68使他们适合潮湿,肮脏或淹没的地方。请使用本页左侧的过滤器优化您的搜索。PB-5001-1M5是一款通用不锈钢探头,带有1.5米电缆,可监测-40°C至+125°C的温度。它的模压塑料手柄和连接器确保它的坚固和防水。该探头适用于潮湿,多尘或甚至淹没的条件下,可用于各种应用。 This probe is also available with a 3m cable (PB-5001-3M) and a 5m cable (PB-5001-5M). Features •General purpose probe •1.5m cable •IP68 rated •Fully moulded •Stainless steel •10K NTC Thermistor sensor •15s to t90 (in water) •150mm long sheath •5mm sheath diameter The PB-5001-3M is a general purpose stainless steel probe with a 3m cable, which monitors temperatures from -40°C to +125°C. Its moulded plastic handle and connector ensure it is robust and waterproof. The probe is suitable for damp, dusty or even submerged conditions and may be used in a wide variety of applications. This probe is also available with a 1.5m cable (PB-5001-1M5) and a 5m cable (PB-5001-5M). Features •General purpose probe •3m cable •IP68 rated •Fully moulded •Stainless steel •10K NTC Thermistor sensor •15s to t90 (in water) •150mm long sheath •5mm sheath diameter