食品行业的质量保证和提高生产力推动了植物和生产过程的稳步增加自动化。优势显而易见:减少劳动力和生产停机时间,并安全排除操作员错误。升级工厂以便自动控制,监控和记录与生产过程相关的所有基本参数。联系我们如何帮助您?获取引用联系我们流程自动化和集成GEA提供广泛的创新过程自动化系统和服务,该系统和服务范围从提供具有相应MES的集成,公司范围的网络系统(制造中的系统)。We achieve this progress for you using proven modules and technologies and following international standards (e.g. ISA-S88, ISA-S95).To adapt existing production plant to new generations of automation systems (e.g. when replacing the visualization system) migration strategies will be developed for you that allow safe conversion while production continues to run. We deliver for the MES level database based applications for quality assurance, increase in productivity, batch tracking, and verification. Operation and process visualization. All operator interfaces are designed with logical menu structures that allow intuitive operation of the plant. The operator is comprehensively informed at a glance and guided progressively through the system.