GD巴氏灭菌器单元由多段板式热交换器(PHE)组成,具有三个产品,休息部分(最小16秒持有时间),水和蒸汽调节系统,具有焊接的水,2x水泵,阀门和必要的管道。该装置配有热水化妆和循环泵。所有电机和电气设备都适用于潮湿环境。发射器和阀门是预先管道的,并预先连接到局部安装的接线盒。所有单位都作为即插即用概念交付。GD巴氏杀虫剂单元设计用于从乳液罐的乳液的连续巴氏灭菌。它由三个部分组成:热回收,巴氏杀菌和冷却部分。冷却截面后,将人造黄油乳液输送到受控的恒定出口温度。它设计的脂肪含量为80%,设计用于清洁到位。 Product contacting parts, including the plates in the PHE for product, are made of stainless steel AISI 316. For products containing salt, less than 1% in the emulsion, SMO is recommended as PHE plate material. For products containing more than 1% salt in the emulsion, titanium is recommended as PHE plate material. For improved steam return we can, on customer request, include a condensate pump on the unit. Integration The free place at one side allows for fast and simple maintenance at the PHE. The Plate Heat Exchanger comprises a heat recovery section. This section saves energy up to 70%. Designed for emulsion with a fat content of 80%, salt content less than 1%, protein content less than 3%.