VIS-G20是用于调节粘度的微处理器控制器。通过浸入分析的液体中的振动传感器,可以通过移动部件的振动传感器来进行粘度测量。它串联安装到出口;它发出频率,在与液体接触时改变。根据分析,控制在几秒钟内阐述粘度(杯子,福特......)和通过水阀的管理保持根据参考值的值。在洗涤墨水的结束时,在工作结束时进行粘度计的清洁。应用RotoGravure,Flexo Machine。墨水和清漆。控制台和命令面板PC带15“触摸屏监视器。在同一屏幕上,可视化所有颜色控制。 Choice of the reference cup, set of the viscosity reference. It’s possible to save until 1000 different works. Temperature compensation. Error signalization (no ink, no solvent or viscosity over tolerance). CONTROL G20-VID Rack system cabled by connectors. Installed in a box chosen by the customer. Serial communication between PC and control.