柴油发电机组技术数据1.Generator套装 - 采用综合结构,底架采用高强度钢,发电机组可与全套悬架减震器设计,良好的阻尼效果和小摇动。- 柴油:Chaiwei Deutz Diesel的选择。24V直流电动启动,水箱封闭循环和风扇冷却。- 发电机:选择Mindong品牌TFW3发电机,AVR无刷自动稳压器,H级绝缘,保护。根据IP21 / 22标准的课程。- 控制面板:使用BIG屏幕液晶显示器(LCD)用于发电机组控制模块。具有自动启动,数据采集和显示,故障报警和保护功能。电动监控仪器和柴油运行仪的配置。- 带MCCB断路器的发电机组,带有短路。过载保护功能。 - Genset output power to meet the following environmental conditions: Altitude: <1000m Ambient temperature: <40t. 2.Genset with 24V high-performance lead-acid batteries and charging generator, can be six consecutive start; and equipped with electricity float charger to ensure adequate battery power. 3.Genset equipped with the base daily tank, to meet the unit more than 6 hours of continuous full load. 4.Genset attach muffler, built-in shock absorbers, corrugated absorber and simple installation materials. 5.Genset speed control mode with optional mechanical or electronic speed control mode. 6.Optional configuration: automatically load the output cabinet, the ATS automatic conversion cabinet and the AMF mains voltage detection module, water (oil) heater, Sound Proof, trailers mobile type etc.