C-1000型和C-2000型全自动立式离心机是专为工业应用而设计的。C-1000的输送带大约是。1200公斤(卷心莴苣),而C-2000的吞吐量约为。1800公斤/小时。从洗衣机中携带的产品可以通过例如供给带等手段稳定地运送到离心机中。装载,卸载,和离心时间可以连续调整,因此适用于几乎每一个期望的产品规格。离心机是垂直建造的。玻璃杯由不锈钢穿孔材料制成,内衬特氟隆涂层。整个结构通过减震器固定在稳定的主框架上。可能的不平衡通过这种方式被中和,创造了一个具有长久生命力的非常稳固的结构。转杯通过一个柔性阀门在底部关闭。 This valve has been constructed in such a way that the valve is properly sealed during the centrifuging. This valve moves up and down by means of an air cylinder, so that the product can easily leave the machine at the bottom after the centrifuging. The machine comes with an air knife, which has been installed vertically alongside the drum, so that more adhesive products can leave the drum without any problem.