手动带锯机切割从0°到60°右(手动/重力版+G)。机头采用专用铝合金铸造结构。测力的刀片拉紧。刀片清洗刷集成在头部保护盖。头手柄集成循环按钮。叶片导向与侧轴承,硬质合金板和顶部轴承的联合作用。直接传动:减速齿轮箱,斜磨外壳,硬化齿,持久润滑脂润滑。(机械变速器20÷100 m/min为版本+V)。减速箱Ø输出轴40mm与电机轮连接采用无键轴/轮毂连接。手动定位快速夹料虎钳。 Ergonomic working table and control panel. Head rotation angle stop at 0°,45° and 60°. Degrees measuring system, graduated scale and rugged in construction locking lever. Loading side: Rugged in construction support roller with double positioning. Millimetric reference length stop measuring system. Cutting length 0÷600 mm. Heavy duty basement. Sheet metal construction in different thickness, chips holding sides. Front door with key locking. Hydraulic cooling pump with 20 l. capacity tank for feeding both blade guides. Electrical cabinet with 24VAC, lockable main switch and electric drives. Total protection against highest voltage and short circuit current. Protection level IP 55. Line voltage: