具有行星齿轮的预组装偏心蜗杆驱动泵套件,用于工业应用,将薄于中型粘性介质,最高可达25.000mpas的200-L鼓和IBC。正排量泵在恒定压力下顺利地工作,确保温和,无脉动泵送。包括1000或1200 mm,换向器电机F 457,定子壳体,定子,软管,排出喷口,软管连接和压缩腺体中的偏心蜗杆驱动泵F 550 GS。对于具有偏心蜗杆驱动泵的高达25.000 MPA的工业应用。技术数据: - 流量:最大。50 L / min - 送货头:最大。80 MWC - 粘度:min。1 mpas - max。25000 MPA - 外管直径:最大。50毫米 - 浸泡长度:1000,1200 - 材料外管:不锈钢 - 介质/液体:粘性介质 - 密封:开放式机械密封 - 容器:200升鼓,1000L IBC产品属性: - 正排量泵 - 平稳泵送和 with very little turbulences - Low pulsation in relation to the flow - Pump / shaft / worm can be dismantled Benefits: - Wide range of viscosity can be covered - Optimal for viscous self-flowing media - Also suitable for shear-sensitive media - Transfer at constant pressure - Can be adjusted individually on the media's characteristics - Pump can be dismantled - Efficient use of medium - High efficiency