在Ex版本中,它适用于1区危险区域的使用,并用于传递各种易燃介质(0/1区)。该系统平稳而连续地传输介质。与粘流剂、粘流剂和粘流剂流动性一样,粘流剂Ex只在转鼓中留下不到1%的介质。交付率:max。输出压力:最大。8巴粘度:最高可达最大值。500.000 mpa用于输送仅能在ex区流动的高粘度材料。特点:-交付率:最大。50升/分钟-输出压力:最大。8 bar -粘度:最高可达最大值。 500.000 mPas - Residue in the drum less than 1 % - Designed for ISO drums with lid with an inner diameter of 571.5 mm - Follower plate seals off the material, airtight - The flexible process seal makes sure almost no material remains on the drum wall Benefits: - Residue in the drum less than 1 % - Designed for ISO drums with lid with an inner diameter of 571.5 mm - Follower plate seals off the material, airtight - The flexible process seal makes sure almost no material remains on the drum wall - Eccentric worm-drive pump for gentle transport of the medium with little turbulence and pulsation - Resource-saving – up to less than 1 % residue - Efficient use of the medium and low expenditure for disposal - Continuous and gentle transport, no structural change of the medium - Fast cleaning as system can be quickly dismantled - High flexibility due to low installation height - Simple extension due to comprehensive range of accessories - Quick to install with few components - Version available for the use in hazardous areas zone 0/1