适用于整个化学工业和工艺工程,电镀,钢和不锈钢腌制线,烟道气体净化,排气空气净化,水和废水处理中的中性或化学侵略性液体。带有叶轮的固定循环和过滤泵的交付速率高达750 l/min的紧凑型设计。技术数据: - 流速:最大。750 L/分钟 - 交货头:最大。35 MWC-粘度:最小值。1 MPA-最大。150 MPA-直径泵外壳:最大。174毫米 - 直径安装法兰:最大。340毫米 - 材料外管:聚丙烯,聚乙烯二氟化物 - 培养基 /流体:酸,碱,燃料,燃料,侵略性介质 - 密封媒体 - 密封:无密封液:容器 - 容器:储罐> 1000升的产品属性 - 无需任何轴承的悬挂式自由式自由轴或与液体接触的密封。 The motor shaft is equal to the pump shaft - Smooth running of the pump due to robust support tube solidly connected to the mounting flange - Very long service life, even in case of continuous use, suitable for dry running - A range of carefully chosen impeller diameters - With mounting flange for stationary use - Available in four sizes: 115, 135, 185 and 230 for different power ranges - Also available in version with support tube or alternatively with support bar Benefits - Suitable for continuous use - Four different sizes for different power ranges