在转鼓泵F/FP 425中,200升转鼓的剩余量小于0.05升,所以最大值为0.02%。该泵有一个集成的回流阀,在将泵从容器中取出之前很容易关闭。这样就防止了泵内介质的回流。这使特别昂贵的介质的最佳使用成为可能,并在处理有问题的介质时节省额外的清洁和处置成本。该泵可采用不锈钢、聚丙烯和哈氏合金C。在不锈钢和哈氏合金C中,F/FP 425泵也可用于危险区域。技术参数:►流量:最大流量120升/分钟►输送头:最大。粘度:最小1 mpa -最大。外管直径:最小41 mm3 -最大值。材料外管:聚丙烯、不锈钢、哈氏合金C►介质/流体:酸、碱、石油产品、高度易燃介质、溶剂、燃料必威体育app官方下载 200 l drums, 1000 l IBC Product attributes ► With backflow stop ► Two adjusting levers to easily close the backflow stop ► With mechanical seal for seal of inner tube ► Metal core in the inner tube at the PP version ► Versions for use in hazardous areas available ► Grease-lubricated shaft bearing ► Can be combined with various motors as required Benefits ► Optimal residual emptying with e.g. less than 0.05 l residual amount left in 200 l drum ► No tilting to totally empty the drum ► Reduction of cleaning and waste disposal costs ► No loss of medium when taking the pump from drum to drum ► Optimal use of fluids ► Stainless steel and hastelloy C version can be used in hazardous areas