B-Basic为局部指标,显示实际流量、总量和累计总量。按两次CLEAR按钮,总数可以重置为零。屏幕上的工程单元很容易配置从全面的选择。优点- b系列是我们最具成本效益的显示器,但与所有您可能期望从Fluidwell产品的优点:它耐用,可靠和非常容易操作。基本的!-熟悉简单操作的流体井“知一知全”配置结构,节省时间、成本和烦恼。特点-紧凑的设计。-显示瞬时流量,总数和累计总数。-耐用IP65 (Type4)现场,墙壁或仪表安装外壳。-一个20mm和两个16mm打孔电缆入口。 - “Know one, know them all” configuration structure. - Easy reading and programming with clear alphanumerical display. - Clear 12mm(0.5”) numeric digits and 7mm(0.3”) alphanumeric digits. - Bright LED backlight. - Auto backup of settings and running totals. - Lithium AA battery and 10 - 30V DC power supply. Applications - Basic flow measurement where a local flow rate indication and totalizer function is required without re-transmission functionality. - The B-series offers you an economical solution for common industrial applications. Nothing more, nothing less.