已经开发了F126-例如流量计算机以在正常情况下计算校正的气体体积。通过测量使用存储在流动计算机中的等式处理的未矫正的体积流量,实际线温度和压力来计算校正的体积流量。可以将可压缩因子设置为接近真实的气体行为。可以根据需要定义参考条件(例如15°C或60°F和1.013 BAR)。显示屏显示了补偿流速,总,累积的总和和实际线温度和压力。屏幕屏幕工程单位,如NM³很容易从全面选择配置。优点 - 坚固的铝制或不锈钢316L场机箱(IP66,IP67 / NEMA Type4x)。- 它是如此崎岖,卡车甚至可以站在它上!- 内部安全可用 - ATEX和IECEX批准用于天然气和灰尘应用。- 熟悉Fluidwell的熟悉操作“知道,知道它们全部”配置结构,节省时间,成本和恶化。 - Very diverse mounting possibilities: walls, pipes, panels or directly onto outdoor sensors. Applications - Applications where net flow calculation of gasses at normal conditions is desired without the influence of thermal product expansion and pressure. - The F-Series is your first and best choice for field mount indicators in safe and hazardous area applications. Especially in harsh weather conditions like rain, snow, sandy deserts, salty atmospheres and temperatures between -40°C up to +80°C (-40°F up to 176°F).