GQ(C)/GQ系列气体过滤器是我们公司生产的燃气涡轮计和气腰轮流量计的匹配产品。必威体育app官方下载当气体质量较差时,它用于过滤管道中气流中包含的灰尘,液滴和杂质,以确保流量计的正常运行。该过滤器还适用于各种压力调节设备。过滤器芯具有较大的过滤区域,低压损失,耐腐蚀性和没有两次污染。滤波器元件可以多次清洁并反复使用。紧凑的结构,易于安装和简单的维护。差分压力表(GQC系列)可以显示滤波器元件的肮脏程度。DN250和DN300是根据GB150-1998“钢压容器”设计和制造的。它适用于天然气,人造天然气,液化石油气,空气和其他媒体。1:根据使用条件确定放电期,以消除及时的累积水和杂质。 2: When the filter screen is blocked by dirt and the pressure loss increases obviously, it should be cleaned in time, and if there is damage, it should be replaced in time. 3: Use kerosene or other detergent, clean the dirt carefully with non-metallic brush, and know that the filter element is clean as before.