940系列电机主轴是专门为高性能加工工艺开发的内部电机主轴。带有自动卡盘的主轴的自动平衡系统以及用于状态监测的各种传感器都在这里标准化。在任何时候,这些集成传感器为您提供与您的主轴状态和加工过程相关的在线信息。940系列卡盘的工艺可根据主轴及其用途选择手动或自动夹紧刀具。轴承我们只适合高精度预紧轴承。它们具有优良的衰减性能和磨损特性。在卡盘处测量的同心度< 0.002 mm。由于其坚固的结构和优化的平衡,主轴运行平稳。在一定的转速范围内,电机主轴采用油-气润滑或终身润滑脂润滑。电机由紧凑、强大的同步和感应电机驱动。 It is cooled by an integral cooling circuit around the motor. Sensors in the motor winding protect the motor from overheating. Seal The spindle is sealed with a proven labyrinth packing and active sealing air. This protects the spindle bearings against soiling. Spindles can be installed either horizontally or vertically. Balancing systems + O/I sensors For spindles with an HSK chuck we use open-centre, annular balancing systems that are partly combined with open center Acoustic-Emission sensors.