角型包装机,密封条手动或自动关闭,产品电动卸料皮带。它们可以与缩回隧道结合。特点:- NI-CR不粘涂层密封刀片-控制焊接时间以避免过热-传送带可通过手轮调节高度-双磁铁高关闭力-卷轴支架在滚珠导轨上滑动有用的宽度毫米。550 -熔接棒的回归控制气弹簧(5045 L手动版)-气动设备(压缩空气)关闭和打开密封棒(声波测井5045 LA半自动版)5045 LA声波测井模型配备维护行动双重控制(两个按钮必须直到酒吧举行are completely closed). The choice of the machine must take into account that: - the dimensions of the support surface are 450x400 mm - the dimensions of the box (height + depth) must not exceed the width of the reel of 550 mm, also considering that there must always be at least 50 mm of waste. - it is preferable to use products with a maximum height of about 250 mm to facilitate insertion on the support surface BSL 5045 L Wrapping machine with manual closure of sealing bars - Bars length mm. 500x450 BSL 5045 LA Wrapping machine with semi-automatic closure of sealing bars - Bars length mm. 500x450