来自digicolor的干井干燥机提供了很多关于干燥过程的见解。可以调整露点和干燥时间,使干燥过程优化。此外,您还可以调整干燥空气、干燥时间和工艺质量等参数和优化。用MODBUS传输数据是可能的。这使您能够洞察和控制生产过程中的材料消耗。模型和解决方案与中央干燥系统不同,干井系统与自动干燥机一起工作。该系统由一个隔离的料斗和一个干燥装置组成。这使它有可能在-分别从另一个开关各种干燥器。由于干燥装置附在料斗上,它比传统的干燥器需要更少的空间。通过使用自动干燥机,避免了污染。 The dryers are available in various sizes, so there is always one available that fits your needs. Economically and user friendly The drywell dryers operate by means of a rotation principle. In stead of the usual drying towers, there is a rotating cylinder used, which ensures that the dew point is maintained constant. Therefore, there are no fluctuations anymore in the drying process. In addition, the regeneration temperature of this system is considerably lower, which consumes significantly less energy. Because there is a coating used instead of dry granules. Because there is no fabric used it has a longer service life as a result. Finally, there are no cylinders and valves, which enables less maintenance in the drywell systems. The continuity offered by these properties fits well with the views of Ferlin.