小巧4速无绳钻头/驱动器,带无刷电机和Quickin接口。完美适用于通用钻孔和螺丝刀,最高可达8毫米。详细信息无刷FEIN PowerDrive电机,效率高30%,使用寿命长。4速固体金属齿轮箱。用于金属和自钻螺丝钻孔的最佳切削速度。所有Quickin配件的Quickin附件界面。应用程序之间的快速更改。灵活性与FEIN多功能界面。工具可与所有Fein Li离子电池(12至18 V)一起运行。高扭矩高达40 nm。 In speed 4, optimum speeds (2500 rpm) for diameters of up to 6 mm. Mechanical torque setting. Compact, lightweight design. 550 screw connections (5x40 mm in wood) with one battery charge (3 Ah). Including QuickIN solid metal drill chuck (120 Nm) with carbide-tipped clamping jaws and high clamping forces. One charger for all FEIN Li-ion batteries of all voltage classes. The battery charge can be read off the battery. FEIN SafetyCell technology. Protects the battery and tool from overload, overheating and total discharge.