用于生产黄油的黄油生产线生产的产品做工精细,具有良好的铺展性和水分分布。完全兼容ARM和EMF系列包装机。主要特点:我们生产完整的黄油加工生产线,从奶油罐到成品包装设备;-制造黄油的机器,每小时可生产10,000公斤黄油;黄油批量生产机器,最多可生产5000升奶油;-有了我们的连续黄油制造机,您不仅可以生产黄油,还可以生产不同种类的酱料;-低脂肪含量的白脱奶:0.5%;-最终产品的长保质期;-我们的黄油生产线操作简便,结构紧凑,易于维护;使用黄油制造机,你不仅可以生产黄油,还可以生产各种各样的酱料。 For the product with fat content 72,5% -82,5% no stabilizers and emulsifiers are needed. You can also produce low fat spreads, using stabilizers and emulsifiers, with min fat content 50%. Has different dosing units Butter making machines can be equipped with different kinds of dosing units: for moisture, culture, oil (for spreads production), dry ingredients (mushroom, herbs, cacao etc) and salt slurry. Moisture level can be measured and controlled automatically with a special moisture metering system. Can go directly to packaging machine Butter produced with a continuous butter maker can go directly to a wrapping or bulk extruding machine or can be fed with a butter pump first to a butter silo of the required capacity, and then to the packaging machines.