FKHC系列的角度抓手是轻量级的,可以提供一个非常高的力量。适用于需要在狭窄的空间中运动的应用,该系列中最大的抓手重量只有11盎司。这些夹持器有一个独特的附加活塞,当施加压力时提供额外的力量,增强同步。可调针阀控制颚运动的速度,最适合任何数量的应用。工作压力范围从30psi到87psi。•操作介质为压缩空气。•开口:-10到30°•72 psi有效夹持力:•10mm孔径:1.1 lbf•16mm孔径:4.5 lbf•20mm孔径:8.3 lbf•25mm孔径:15.7 lbf技术优势•可提供四种孔径:10、16、20和25毫米。•标配磁性活塞。标准可调针阀,控制开启/关闭速度。•在夹持体集成传感器槽,可以轻松安装传感器,用于“打开”和“关闭”位置传感。 • Aluminum gripper body is hard-coated to ensure abrasion and to combat corrosion. • No additional lubrication is required. APPLICATION EXAMPLES • Part ejection: During the final stage of thermoplastic mold injection, grippers can be used to hold the part of the mold for easier ejection of the finished product. • Part handling: As the load moves through the workpiece, grippers are used to handle and move the object as needed with greater precision when compared to parallel grippers. • Clamping and rotating: Angled grippers are able to clamp down on objects in the same way that two fingers can pinch, rotating objects as needed.