擎天柱是一系列的GSM对讲机设计与大门,屏障和门入口。利用GSM网络,我们能够大大减少入口和物业之间的电缆连接。电话可以用标准电话或移动电话接听。产品有1必威体育app官方下载-4个呼叫按钮和一个背光编码输入键盘。一个SIM卡是预先安装的,所有需要的是与呼叫按钮相关的号码被编程。您的家庭或手机号码被添加到自动拨号存储器,就像添加一个号码到您自己的手机。当访客在对讲机上按下您的财产号码时,就会呼叫您的电话。当你接听电话时,你可以和你的访客说话,按下“#”让他们进来。简单!如果你外出,该设备可以将电话转接到手机或工作电话上,这样你仍能与访客沟通,如果你愿意,还可以让他们进来; it could be an important delivery. There are three connections to the system, a 230 Volt supply to feed the 12 Volt 1 Amp PSU (the PSU we supply with the system must be used and should not power any other equipment). There are 3 relays; a 2 Amp relay for lock release and 2 x200mA relays for gate or barrier control. There is also an aerial to be connected to the system.