RACK-H2氢发电机使用独家电解质膜技术(PEM细胞)100%全钛生产优质纯净气体H2。独家冷双动态再生干燥器架。MF系列完全免费维修并允许一天24小时连续操作。自动检查内部泄漏时开始的单位和常数控制操作paameters最大安全保证。RACK.MB干燥系统。H2系列使用干燥系统:静态的,maintenances-free参考:RACK.MB。氢气(H2流量)改善色谱结果使用氢气作为载气允许低温度洗脱,从而延长色谱柱的生活。氢气作为载气是更快和更敏感,从而影响比氦。运行时节省25%到35%的分辨率下降。提高实验室效率一个常数,不间断供气的保证纯度消除干扰的分析改变气缸,减少所需的仪器re-calibrations。 Improved safety The very limited internal volume (less than 50 ml) allows safe use of the gas generators where the use of cylinders is risky or prohibited. The application of tested safety technologies stops the unit in the event of leaks or malfunctions Simple installation Gas generators can be installed in the laboratory, on or under a bench, eliminating the need for long gas lines from cylinders secured elsewhere.