预先构造这种特殊形式的复合制造形式始于带有树脂或粘合剂的增强材料的预先爆炸(预先序列)。这两种材料的组合发生在成型过程之前,因此可以实现非常准确的加固,以实现树脂的评估。预先列为材料在航空航天行业中广泛使用,因为它们能够最大程度地提高强度重量比率。预序是柔韧的,因此可以在加工成模制产品之前将其切成各种形状或图案。必威体育app官方下载成型过程涉及在锥形或平行的钢制曼德尔周围滚动这些预扎图案。还有其他简单的形状(即平板)。mandrel形成了成型的内部形状。通过在加热固化之前将模制产品用聚丙烯或尼龙胶带包裹,可以实现柔性外模。加热固化可提供杂音硬式的交叉链接复合产品。固化后,卸下曼德尔和胶带,将完整的成型材料留下。 If necessary, the completed moulding can be ground, sanded or painted depending upon the final application. Reinforcements Exel composites stock a wide range of preimpregnated reinforcements including: Glass Fibre (E-glass) Woven Fabrics Uni-directional tapes Carbon Fibre (Graphite) Woven Fabrics Uni-directional tapes Aramid Woven Fabrics Hybrid Systems Woven Aramid Carbon Fibre Fabric Other reinforcement materials are available through our network of suppliers located around the world. Resin Systems A number of high performance resin systems are available. The most commonly used systems being epoxy or polyester.