低真空单位高达21英寸汞柱(91千帕),真空流量高达18.5 SCFM (524 SLPM),通常用于多孔材料,如纸板,纺织品或精密材料。有7个在线模型,不同的流量和真空水平。EXAIR的In-Line e - vac设计用于在使用点产生瞬时真空。这些单级圆柱形单元结构紧凑,易于安装。它们可以通过将它们直接穿在压缩空气管道上或使用安装夹来固定。应用范围:零件和设备的挑选和放置袋/包装开孔标签放置真空成型模具抽真空充填检漏抽真空容器夹紧和夹紧印刷设备中的纸张对齐和送料真空包装表面安装真空压木单板和层压纸箱成型机器人加工真空真空liquids for testing In-Line E-Vac Vacuum Generators Choose the E-Vac by the SCFM (SLPM) flow that best suits the performance needed for your application (see High Vacuum Performance for Non-Porous Materials or Low Vacuum Performance for Porous Materials). E-Vac Kits give you the ability to experiment with an assortment of Vacuum Cups. E-Vac Kits include a Muffler, an assortment of (4) pairs of Vacuum Cups (closely matched to the performance of that E-Vac), (2) straight, (2) elbow and (1) tee vacuum fittings, 10' of vacuum tubing and a mounting clip. Deluxe Kits include the same items as the standard kit with the addition of an automatic drain filter separator for the compressed air supply and pressure regulator (with coupler).