EverExceed ES 512-50 LiFePO4(锂离子磷酸盐)电池是一款专为UPS电源系统设计的新型环保备用电源模块。具有先进的使用寿命,超紧凑的尺寸,非常轻的重量和强大的环境工作条件,除室内外,它也是室外恶劣环境的理想解决方案,在现场安装和使用ups。用于有线电视的LiFePO4 512V50ah锂离子电池模块LFP提供100%的可用能量,使您可以完全放电电池,而不会引起停机运行。提供高达10倍的循环寿命3000+生命周期和超过15年的设计寿命,比铅酸5-6X的寿命,让您可以设置和忘记它;2.5倍更快充电提高回收;3.BMS为电池性能提供了最新的见解;4.在电源事件期间提供延长的备份时间; 5. Ensures 24/7 system uptime while delivering significant total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) savings. •Safety: 1.Lithium phosphate battery chemistry is stable and safe; 2.Battery management system (BMS) actively monitors temperature and charge cycles; 3.No recycled cells are used, all the individual cells are sorted in a very precise range according to their capacity to ensure complete reliability of the battery pack; 4.Extended warranty ensures operational reliability; •Installation: 1.Save money on battery replacement costs, at similar duration of operation time, lead acid batteries need at least 3-4 times replacements;